A Beginner's Guide To Getting Unstuck
Are you currently living in survival mode? Constantly trying to find time for yourself, creating a "To Do" list that never seems to get shorter, and feeling like your life is one giant hamster wheel?
This is your sign to STOP subscribing to 'hustle culture' and to START living a more balanced life. You were not meant to do and do until you die. The doing doesn't make you more worthy of the life that you desire, and the round-the-clock, people-pleasing, perfectionism lifestyle is not a sustainable way to live. We're here to show you the way out.
Slowing down and doing less doesn't equal less success. In fact, it's the exact opposite! We're going to show you how to HAVE MORE by DOING LESS with two magical words:
The key is to take one step at a time and create small, consistent habit changes that accumulate into life-changing results. First, you must become AWARE of your choices and time/energy wasters, and then you must make INTENTIONAL decisions and take purposeful action to transform the way you live.
Here to support you! - Christine & Maggie | The Freedom Coaches